Sanchi Stupas

Sanchi Stupas


Sanchi one of the most world famous historical sites is only 195kms away from the Satpura National Park by taxi and is located at Raisen district which is only 46km away from Bhopal the capital city of Madhya Pradesh. If you are planning to visit Satpura National Park then add Sanchi in your tour. In Sanchi you can see the 13th century BC Stupas constructed on the order of King Ashoka. The Great Stupa in Sanchi is the oldest stone structures in India. Sanchi is also a birth place of Devi the wife of Great King of India Samrat Ashoka as well as the wedding place of Ashoka and Devi. Sanchi is also in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Sanchi are Buddhist Monuments, Southern Gateway, Eastern Gateway, Northern Gateway, Western Gateway, Archeological Museum, Great Stupa, Chetiyagiri Vihara, Sir John Marshall Memorial, Temple 31, Pillar 10, Temple 18, Monasteries, Great Bowl, and Madieval Building etc. At Southern Gateway of the Sanchi there is a back to back lions on pillars of the monuments are now the State Emblem of India and can be seen on every bank note issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Similarly, the Archeological Museum has a collection of 3rd century BC sculptures. You can also see the world famous 3rd century BC Lions on Lotus capital from the Ashoka era pillar 10. Huge collections of pictures showing the site pre-restoration are also displayed for tourist in the museum. Another tourist attraction in Sanchi is Gupta Temple. This temple is one of the oldest temples in India and frequently visited by the tourists.

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