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We are operating wildlife holidays and photography tours for all the wildlife destinations of Central India like Kanha national park, Bandhavgarh, Panna national park, Satpura national park, Sanjay Dubri tiger reserve, Pench national park, Tadoba national park etc. For accurate tour package costing, we need precise information from guest side like:
- Your full name
- Contact number
- Email id
- Arrival date & time (approx. details if not confirm)
- Departure date & time (to know total duration)
- Service required (Complete tour / Just Safari / Just Hotel/Just Cab)
- Tour Category (Tour with budget/standard/deluxe / luxury hotels ?)
- Total number of visitors (How many above 05 years & below 05 years)
- Room sharing pattern (Single / Double/ Triple)
- Tour plan or places to visit, special instruction, meal preference